Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Sri Gaura Purnima Mahostva Ki Jai..

Sri Caitanya Mahaprabu Ki Jai

21th March 2008, Today is a momentus day. With big rhytm and reason to celebrate, an obstacle in our spiritual path will be removed today. I offer all obeisances unto Lord Sri Krishna Caitanya's Lotus feet, who appeared in gem like womb of Mother Sachi. I don't offer particular worship or requests of boons for my self pleasure but a sincere prayer from bottom of my heart to serve His devotees.
I enjoyed an ecstatic Gaura Purnima festival at Sri Jaganath Mandir, Kuala Lumpur, i continue to appreciate the spiritual benefits. After weeks of rain, and it still continued to pour on this auspiousious day and the sun never came out to opened many beautiful flowers for the garlands. Despite of the rainy season, the devotees had transformed Thier Lordships altar into a adoring spring garden with white roses and gerberas. As Their Lordships were dressed in stary night ultramarine blue outfits and captivated His devotees's heart by sinking them into the furrow of spiritual euphoric. Their Lordships were simply dazzling and alluring and im sure many of the beholder had enchanted and mesmerised. Above all this, I had the rare darshan of our gracious Panca-tattva Bhagavan.

I enjoyed participating the Abisheka ceremony for Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai and it was accompanied with a melodious kirtan. Later in the evening, HG Thyaga Caitanya prabu gave a spiritual soothing class on Mahaprabu and then read a selection of the detailed descriptions in Sri Caitanya Caritamrta, Sikshaskatam and some pastimes the Lord with His devotees. And was followed with a blissful Sayana Arti conducted with exhilarated kirtan. The kirtan was loud and joyful. An excellent feast was offered of Their Lordships, and everyone relished prasadam together afterwards. Sri Gaura Purnima Mahostva Ki Jai..

Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

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