Saturday, November 15, 2008

Damodara 2008 House Programme update

Prabhavisnu Swami to Yuwaraja

Hare Krishna.

By Srila Prabhupad and Guru's mercy,Taiping yatra did a record breaking of 512 houses thru out last week..bringing the cum total to 1047 houses todate. More than 6000 souls have offered ghee lamp tho Lord Damodara todate.
We reviewed the goal to 1008 last week but the devotees got so fired up and they went surpassing that goal as well.

I just told the congregation last week that we can please our beloved Spiritual Master HH Jayapataka Maharaj by doing more programmes and the news will definitely enthuse HH for speedy recovery.That's it........all the way they go... Even when we were doing the House Harinam...I can't even stopped them even they feel tired and already close to 9pm. I wouldn't be suprised..that they would even go till next morning if circumstances allowed.
Such a mercy from Srila Prabhupad and our Gurus.

There won't be any new goal after this but we will continue to do as many as possible for this week.
Thank you to all for the support and blessing.

My congratulations. It seems that there is some improvement in HH Jayapataka
Maharaj's health condition, so surely the sincere efforts of all of you
devotees is helping in that regard.

Your well-wisher,


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