Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Black Boy who possess black magic

All glories to Srila prabupad.

In the Sri Jagannath, Sri Baladeva, Srimati Subhadra Stuti it is stated:

karunamrta pathodhi sudhamne namo namahdinoddharaika guhyaya krpapathodaye namah

“O You who are an ocean of nectarean compassion and whose abode is most attractive, I offer my obeisances to You again and again! You uplift and deliver the fallen souls, but how you do this no one can understand. O ocean of mercy, I offer you my respectful obeisances!”

As we see from the above verse, Sri Jagannath’s thoughts and activities are fully mystical always engaged in trying to deliver the fallen souls of the universe. But no one knows how he actually does this. His activities are wonderful and cannot be conceived or imaginable. This truth was extraordinarily exhibited in many devotees lives. He simply cast black magic spell unto his devotees. He is truly a great magician. As for me He is my Lord and Friend birth after birth.

People need to be exposed to Lord Jaganath. The His divine form and His holy name purifies and pacifies the mind and heart so they can begin to comprehend Krishna consciousness. Without that, their minds are so polluted and scattered they cannot understand. The Lord will fully captivate everyone. He had fully manifested and distributed His mercy. And at the end of it all, no one really knew how it all happened.

Sri Jagannath, Sri Baladeva, Srimati Subhadra Maharani ki Jai!

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