Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Beloved of His devotees

At all times past present future
You are my mother, my father and my very life itself
Having gotten you, will I ever let you go?
O lord of the three worlds
O Supreme One, Jaganatha!
With your eternal fame, so far-reaching,
With your sweet-smelling cool garland of tulasi leaves
You grace is as cool of Niladri hill.
He is the Lord who once measured the three worlds.
He is the Holiest. He went to the holy hill of Niladri.
He dwells there. If that one Hill is worshipped.
All our sins will completely vanish.
Tiruvaymoli 2.6.10, Namm Alvar

Sri Gaura Purnima Mahostva Ki Jai..

Sri Caitanya Mahaprabu Ki Jai

21th March 2008, Today is a momentus day. With big rhytm and reason to celebrate, an obstacle in our spiritual path will be removed today. I offer all obeisances unto Lord Sri Krishna Caitanya's Lotus feet, who appeared in gem like womb of Mother Sachi. I don't offer particular worship or requests of boons for my self pleasure but a sincere prayer from bottom of my heart to serve His devotees.
I enjoyed an ecstatic Gaura Purnima festival at Sri Jaganath Mandir, Kuala Lumpur, i continue to appreciate the spiritual benefits. After weeks of rain, and it still continued to pour on this auspiousious day and the sun never came out to opened many beautiful flowers for the garlands. Despite of the rainy season, the devotees had transformed Thier Lordships altar into a adoring spring garden with white roses and gerberas. As Their Lordships were dressed in stary night ultramarine blue outfits and captivated His devotees's heart by sinking them into the furrow of spiritual euphoric. Their Lordships were simply dazzling and alluring and im sure many of the beholder had enchanted and mesmerised. Above all this, I had the rare darshan of our gracious Panca-tattva Bhagavan.

I enjoyed participating the Abisheka ceremony for Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai and it was accompanied with a melodious kirtan. Later in the evening, HG Thyaga Caitanya prabu gave a spiritual soothing class on Mahaprabu and then read a selection of the detailed descriptions in Sri Caitanya Caritamrta, Sikshaskatam and some pastimes the Lord with His devotees. And was followed with a blissful Sayana Arti conducted with exhilarated kirtan. The kirtan was loud and joyful. An excellent feast was offered of Their Lordships, and everyone relished prasadam together afterwards. Sri Gaura Purnima Mahostva Ki Jai..

Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Monday, March 24, 2008

O Nilachala Deva

jihva na bāñchai grāmya gāibāku rajanī divasatumbha nāmabala kebaḷa sankhāḷi hoi thāo Pitavāsa
Neither by day or night does this tongue want to sing mundane songs.
O Pitavasa, O Lord Jagannatha, who wears yellow garments,
chanting Your holy name is my only last hope.


The Perfectionist Jaganath

Mood : Delighted + Bewildered

Hooray, Hare Krishna

I feel that everything in my experience; even normal or every day-to-day things that aren't that outright spectacular (for example, I am continually amazed at the wonderful potencies of Lord Jaganath in which everyway and everything neatly winds up in itself - how even the atomic structure of matter, even in things like lint balls and ants - is so perfectly well-rounded and everything comes to full circle. How there is so much incredible detail in everything - and yet somehow, it is all balanced. Even the most imperfect things seem to come to full circle in everyway - even random things are not truly random). I ponder who is this Jaganath and where did He got so much of Potencies( hahaha). And yet why am i attacted to Him and paying so much of attention unto Him? And why He had to bloomed and florished my life with love and blessings when im extermely unqualified to utter His name?

We humans do and create, but hardly ever realize just how perfectly things are constructed around us - everything is so well carried out, it becomes sublime and undetectable ...

For instance like electricity-How is it that such a powerful and dangerous force can be easily channeled and integrated into complex systems to do so many wonderful things? And that it just somehow happens to all work perfectly?? And how Lord Jaganath is so kind that he allows us to utilize such energies in our own ways when He is only proprietor for all the material and spiritual systems and just imagine it is so beautiful to think about that inexplicable exchange with that Supreme lord

As far as His engeries goes, as great as any piece of art or paintings may ever be, none will never come close to being able to touch the perfection of material nature - a painted flower will never have the vibrance and beauty of a real one that comes forth in fractions of seconds, even if one spends 50 years working on the same piece - and this seemingly overwhelming energy is just a mere fraction of the perfection that lies in Lord Jaganath

How tremendous it is over us - and yet my there is no end to the excuses that my mind offers so that I do not surrender 100 percent to You. O sweet Jaganatha... Im surrending unto You submissively

Reading back over what I wrote, it seems like I'm not quite explaining myself correctly. I can't really put it into words that will satisfy my desire to explain the supermacy of Lord Jaganath. All I can say is Hare Krsna, and hope that one day I will have Lord Jaganath's blessing in being able to do what I was always meant to do.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Bhaktivedanta Ashram

As part of the efforts to improve the spiritual and cultural understanding of the people,the International Society for Krishna Consciousness Malaysia,Taiping Branch recently has acquired a Double Storey House at Assam Kumbang,Taiping which will be used as it's new Ashram.We have secured a Bank Loan to finanace the purchase of this property.We will be building a small hall adjacent to the current house which will be used for spiritual classes and other activities.This new place shall be called " Bhaktivedanta Ashram"-Oasis of Spiritual Solace.

As of now we have been conducting our weekly activities in our current wooden house at Cator Avenue ,Assam Kumbang for the last 8 years.Many spiritual seekers and families have benefited from our programmes conducted throughout the years.The main focus of our activities are to cultivate spiritual knowledge of Sanatana Dharma based on the primary scriptures like Bhagavad Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam .Prime focus and emphasis are given on reading,understanding and applying in real life the teaching of Bhagavad Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam.Thus,devotees develop a high standard of spiritual sadhana in their daily lives which eventually help to raise their God Consciousness.The high standard of spiritual sadhana encompasses being vegetarian and offering foodstuff to Their Lordship and later eaten as prasadam, avoid taking any form of intoxication, not involving in any gambling,no illicit sex,daily chanting Hare Krishna Maha Mantra on japa beads,performing daily puja,reading Bhagavad gita and Srimad Bhagavatam and other spiritual literatures,performing devotional related social/community services and other activities recommended in the scriptures which promote God Consciousness.Devotees perform all these activities in very joyous mood.Even small children follows the above practices without much difficulties as the sadhana gives immediate spiritual strength and happiness.

As part as our outreach activities,we conduct many programmes to help the public .Some of the programmes which we are conducting in Taiping are :-

  • Bhagavad Gita Home classes
  • Youth and Children Development Programmes
  • Tami School Motivation Programme through our Sastra Dana projects
  • Juvenil School Monthly Motivation programme
  • Taiping Prison Motivation programme
  • Free Vegetarian food distribution for the Poor and the Public
  • Sunday Class for Children
  • Music and Arts classes
  • Family Counseling
  • Annual Ratha Yatra Festival
  • Annual Colouring Contest for Children and many more.

Once we have moved to our new Spiritual Ashram,we would able to conduct more activities for the benefits of the people especially the Youth and children with the better facilities available.Almost 80% of all our activities are conducted by our well trained Youth.Some of our new activities planned to be added are:-
  • Youth development programme under the project of "Developing the Career and Character"
  • Expand Children Sunday School curriculums.
  • Free Computer classes for youth and children
  • Free Yoga Class for youth and Children
  • FreeTutions for Children
  • Free Vegetarian Food distribution daily on a larger scale
  • Free sangeetham,bhajans,mrdanga and harmonioum classes
  • Free vegetarian Cooking classes and many more

With all the social problem faced by our Hindu community and tremendous lack of scriptural understanding among the Children and Youth,it has become very essential to help the subjects with the cultivation of spiritual and moral values.
We humbly welcome any donations to help with the above activities.
Thank you and Hare Krishna.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Black Boy who possess black magic

All glories to Srila prabupad.

In the Sri Jagannath, Sri Baladeva, Srimati Subhadra Stuti it is stated:

karunamrta pathodhi sudhamne namo namahdinoddharaika guhyaya krpapathodaye namah

“O You who are an ocean of nectarean compassion and whose abode is most attractive, I offer my obeisances to You again and again! You uplift and deliver the fallen souls, but how you do this no one can understand. O ocean of mercy, I offer you my respectful obeisances!”

As we see from the above verse, Sri Jagannath’s thoughts and activities are fully mystical always engaged in trying to deliver the fallen souls of the universe. But no one knows how he actually does this. His activities are wonderful and cannot be conceived or imaginable. This truth was extraordinarily exhibited in many devotees lives. He simply cast black magic spell unto his devotees. He is truly a great magician. As for me He is my Lord and Friend birth after birth.

People need to be exposed to Lord Jaganath. The His divine form and His holy name purifies and pacifies the mind and heart so they can begin to comprehend Krishna consciousness. Without that, their minds are so polluted and scattered they cannot understand. The Lord will fully captivate everyone. He had fully manifested and distributed His mercy. And at the end of it all, no one really knew how it all happened.

Sri Jagannath, Sri Baladeva, Srimati Subhadra Maharani ki Jai!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Darling(s) in Process

Saturday,March 08,2008

PURI, Orissa, The deities of Lord Jaganath, Lord Baladev and Lady Subadhra are being carved in Southern court of Lord Jaganath's temple in Puri, Orrisa. These craftmen are also knowns as "Daru Panda" and they have been carving the deities of Their Lordships from the time commencing of this ancient temple. Thier linages are believed to be traced from the original Craftman - Vishvakarma. The deities are shown in bada-singhara vesha, which is the "dress" of the gods at the end of the day once its completed, in which they are adorned with a silk cloth and decorated with flowers. Here we see the conch and the cakra on Lord's chest and later will adorned with red-and-green garlands of flowers. Wood carvers produce painted images of the three deities for pilgrims. Some of these wooden deities may be used in home altars or shrines. Balabhadra, who himself is identified as Ananta Sesh; hence the iconography of the snake's head will be painted on His hood. In the carving of, Jagannath's black face, prominent round eyes, and stump arms just below eye level. The Deities which are crafted inside Lord Jaganath's temple is consider more auspicious than the deities which are crafted outside the temple.
Thus, these wooden figures are meant to resemble the temple's images and to remind the devotees of the gods whose darshan (viewing) they received while visiting Puri, thereby stimulating their devotion upon their return home. The same function is true for the pictures of the Puri triad in the Jagannath patas we will now examine. And im sathish, reporting from monkey eat human studio. Inc

Hey... Beautiful devotees
Coming Soon Coming Soon Coming Soon... Guess Who !!
Its Chenakesava, The Handsome Kesava. From Belur.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

O my Most Independent Lord

Hare Krsna people..

Mood : Tranquil + cold

Today, 5 march 08,Mangala arti
I prayed that Lord Jaganath may focus my intelligence and my mind so that I can always look in the right direction, as instructed by the exalted spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada. Jaganath is able to do everything, and He is my most reliable friend I have experienced in my life and of course in this world and beyond.

His love is very gracious and genuine. He feels that we are all His children and cares so much for each of us personally, even though we have forgotten Him. But Jaganath still keeps thinking, “How will this child of Mine come back to Me?”

Today I have the good sense to stand before Lord Jaganath and cry: “Jaganatha, please help me. Please overlook my faults. Please connect me to Srila Prabhupada, who is very dear to You and will pull me up.”
Im sure that my Jaganath will make the impossible possible.

How happy I would be to perceive the Lord’s beautiful smiling face framed by His charming locks of hair ( i always imagine Lord Jaganath with beautiful soft locks of black hair). But I know I am not yet qualified nor could ever qualified to stand in front of Him. Therefore, I pray that His powerful Lotus feet which eternally served by Tulasi Maharani will be my solace. By His strong hands the Lord arranges the circumstances of my life in such a way that I can serve better and surrender. Sometimes my Lord’s hands remove the obstacles on my path, even when I do not wish to let them go. At other times Jaganath’s hands bestow favorable circumstances upon my service.

O my Most Independent Lord Jaganath, please make Your own arrangements. I have come to You submissively to surrender.Even through there is no end to the excuses my mind offers so that I do not surrender 100 percent to You. Please help me, O Sweet Jaganatha