Hare Krishna.Please accept my humble obeisances.All Glories to Srila Prabhupad.All Glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga.
On behalf of all devotees of Taiping Hare Krishna Bhaktivedanta Ashram, I would like to humbly invite everyone for Taiping 12th Annual Ratha Yatra Festival on:
Date: 11th July 2009(Saturday)
Chariot Procession Start: 5.30pm(TNC Temple,Jalan Kota Taiping(opposite HSBC/Meridian Hotel)
Chariot Procession End:7.30pm(Taiping Town Hall,beside Taiping Explanade Field)
ISKCON Guru and GBC, HH Lokanath Swami from India and HG Gaura Mandala Bhumi Prabu from Indonesia(both Srila Prabhupada's disciples) shall grace the festival with their wonderful associations, Kirtans and Krishna Kathas.In addition to that Parliment Member for Taiping, YB Saudara Nga Kor Ming is expected to attend as well.
Many wonderful events such as Kirtans, Live Bhajans, Spiritual Discourses, Cultural Shows, Lion Dance, Bhangra Dance, Children Colouring Contest, Japa Booth,Gopi Dot Facial Decoration,Vedic Exhibition, Multi media show, Vedic Literature Stall, Gauranga Sweet Stall and many more.Sumptuous Vegetarian Dinner shall be served to all.
Not forgetting....Hanuman the Mascot shall also make his divine appearance.
For more information or hotel booking, pls contact Yaduraj Krishna Dasa at 012-5039590 or email to yadurajpvs@yahoo.com.
Any donation towards this festival can be sent to:
ISKCON Taiping,56A, Lorong 6,Jalan Dato Sri Ahmad,Taman Pegawai Kanan Kerajaan,Assam Kumbang, 34000 Taiping,Perak,Malaysia.
Cheque is payable to "ISKCON TAIPING"/ deposited into Maybank account 108057186446.